The Power of Renewal

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. – Romans 12:2

I’m an avid online shopper (much to my wife’s chagrin). I enjoy poring over Internet shopping sites and looking for great deals. To my credit, I do a lot more window shopping than actual purchasing. I like to find great deals and then let other people know about them, especially if I know they are in need. Many of the sites that I frequently check deal with discounted merchandise, and often I’ll see the disclaimer that something is refurbished or renewed. I know that some people only buy new, and I get it. They wouldn’t look twice at anything that is previously owned, and I tend to be the same way at times. However, depending on the manufacturer and the site, I do not automatically disregard something that is renewed. Since I work in Information Technology, I notice a great deal of personal computers, laptops, tablets, and other electronics on these sites. When I see the “factory refurbished” or “renewed”, I know that the manufacturer has put a stamp of approval on the equipment.

Switching gears, the scripture above tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Why do we need renewed minds?

Because life experiences, other people, and our own destructive habits and hangups will cloud our mind and damage our faith! There is a reason we’re told to have faith like a child. Children haven’t suffered the numerous disappointments, tragic circumstances, and betrayals that we have experienced as adults. We lose our sensitivity. We lose our sense of wonder. But most of all, we dilute our faith to match our experiences instead of simply trusting in what God says. Sure, the Bible says, “by His stripes we are healed”, but I’ve prayed that before and nothing happened. Yeah, I know that scripture says, “all my needs are met according to His riches in glory”, but I’m always so poor I can’t pay attention. We have let our experiences dictate the legitimacy of God’s word.

So I guess you can see the value in having our mind renewed! Going back to computer equipment, when I see that “renewed” flag, I know several things.

  1. All of the junk that was on the hard drive has been wiped and I’m getting a clean slate.
  2. If there were sectors of the memory that were bad, they’ve been repaired.
  3. If there were any viruses or malware that someone other than the owner had somehow slipped into the machine, they’ve been removed.
  4. The maker of the machine has certified that the equipment will function in the perfection that it was created to function.

I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this!

When we renew our minds, we become transformed. God cleanses us and wipes away all sin and the guilt and shame that goes with it. We are able to let go of the past and subjugate those memories to the the blood of Jesus. A renewed mind no longer carries the weight of other peoples’ expectations and wipes away all word curses that they may have spoken over you. And best of all, you can now approach the very throne room of heaven wrapped in the robe of righteousness that Jesus purchased for you on Calvary’s cross. Our maker and manufacturer has put his stamp of approval on us, signifying that while we aren’t perfect, we are sinless and redeemed in His eyes. Sure, there may be some signs of wear and tear on our exteriors, but our scars are part of our testimony. And Revelation 12:11a reads, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..”

Let’s make it our earnest prayer in this season to let our minds be renewed and be transformed into what God desires us to be!