Hebrews 4:16
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
God will talk to anyone that sets his mind to listening for Him. I realize many people get weirded out by people who say that they “hear from God”, but it really shouldn’t be a rare occurrence. Yes, there are a lot of flaky people out there who like to claim “Thus saith the Lord”, but hearing from God should not be creepy or nutty. The manipulators out there usually “hear” God saying exactly what they want to hear. However, there are many God-fearing, God-seeking Christians out there that are following the voice of God.
There was a time some years ago that I had been struggling with an addiction. God had really been dealing with me to lay this habit down, and after a few months of struggle, with God’s help, I was able to get victory over it. For the next few weeks, it seemed that everything I prayed about (financial needs, sicknesses in family members, etc) was being answered right away! During one of my quiet times with the Lord, I was letting my gratitude flow for all of the answered prayers. I remember even saying “I guess letting go of that habit really opened up the floodgates for me”. God spoke to me at that moment, not in an audible voice, but as clearly in my spirit as I have ever heard Him speak. He said “ehhhhh, not really.”
Believe it or not, God doesn’t speak in “King James English”. He communicates with us in ways that we will best understand. For me it tends to be “midwestern-sarcasm”. I immediately stopped my prayers and tried to digest His words to me. After letting me chew on this for a few minutes He continued speaking. God said “To be sure, there are rewards for obedience, but I’m not Someone who is moved to action by your works. You had very little to do with quitting that habit anyway. I enabled and empowered you to do that, so don’t get cocky. You quitting that habit was being obedient, but the answered prayers since then were not directly related to that.” He continued on “What increased the effectiveness of your prayers was the confidence and boldness with which you asked. You felt confident because of being able to quit that habit and that confidence made you come boldly into My presence to make your requests known. That’s faith! That’s what moves Me to action!”
As I’ve said, I never heard a booming voice from the sky, or even a still small voice in the air. However, God spoke to me the same way He will speak to anyone who is hungry to hear His voice. Rarely have I heard God so clearly and succinctly, but because His words lined up to the word of God so perfectly, I was left no room to doubt its authenticity. Without faith it is impossible to please God, and my boldness projected the faith and trust I had in Him to provide for every one of my needs.
Let’s come to the throne of grace boldly! Let’s let our faith rise up!