“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
– Matthew 16:19
They had it pretty good.
They really did.
When God created man and woman, He didn’t stick with any of His former blueprints. He created Adam and then Eve as unique beings that had dominion over every area of this earth. They were given lordship over all other living creatures on the planet. They had the run of the Garden, which was the known world at the time. There was no sickness, stress, anxiety, lack, nor sorrow of any kind. All of this was great, but the most amazing thing about Adam and Eve was their ability to communicate with and be in the presence of God. They were created to have personal and tangible fellowship with God! How astonishing would that be?
As we all know, this paradise didn’t last forever. Satan, staying true to his form, craved the power and dominion given over to man. He had already been ejected from heaven for trying to usurp God’s position and this ambition to rule on earth was the next best thing. In succumbing to the enemy’s temptations, man handed over the authority that God had entrusted in him. According to II Corinthians 4:4, Satan was now the ruler of the world. It reads “Satan, who is god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe…(NLT) The keys were handed to the enemy, and it remained like that for thousands of years.
Of course the good news is through the ultimate sacrifice of God’s only Son, our situation changed considerably. Jesus, speaking to John in Revelation declares that He took the keys to hell and the grave back from the enemy. Revelation 1:18 reads, “I am He who lives, and was dear, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.” According to the scripture at the top of this article, the keys of heavenly and earthly authority have been given to us as Christ’s disciples. With these keys we have the ability and authority to lock doors to deny access to Satan. We can also unlock doors that the enemy is trying to keep us from opening. This is wonderful news, so why aren’t we living victorious lives? I believe we are loaning out our key far too often, and many times to the devil himself.
There are probably a host of reasons we let him have access that he should no longer have, but I’m convinced the main reason is spiritual fatigue. The greater threat we are to Satan, the more frequent and vicious the attacks will be on us. The enemy has no problem leaving us alone if we aren’t doing anything to threaten his agenda. The Christian life is the most fulfilling and joy filled life there is, but like anything else of value, it is not always easy. When we are doing things to advance the kingdom of God and rob Hell of its assets (unsaved people), we should be expecting to receive some kickback from the enemy. One of the few promises that Satan makes that he will honor is: “Quit exercising your faith and I’ll ease up on you.” Of course he is a liar, so even though we may feel the pressure ease up, there is so much damage being done in other areas of our life that we will end up in a worse predicament than before. However, it is tough to see the big picture. We feel the heat NOW. We need some relief or peace NOW. So we let up on the gas. We let old habits creep back into our lives. We are not as bold as we were about our faith. We’re not as faithful in church attendance, serving, or studying God’s word. In essence, we are loaning out the keys we’ve been given.
In Ephesians 4:27 Paul writes, “nor give place to the devil.” Whenever we back up from our service for God, the devil is quick to step into that now vacant space. Vacant space is pretty easy to re-take, but occupied space requires a battle to obtain. When we give place to Satan, he will not give that ground back easily. What might feel like breathing room at first will quickly turn into enemy territory. So what is the answer? Don’t let up. Don’t take your foot off the gas. We are more than conquerors through God. I know there is resistance. I know you’re tired. I know you feel weighed down. However, Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Don’t let Satan deceive you into quitting for the sake of an illusion of rest. The enemy’s “rest” will cost you twice as much work in the end. Ephesians 6:13 reads, “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”
This life is the shortest thing we will ever do. James describes it as a vapor, here and then gone. Let’s not grow weary in well doing. Let’s finish our race strong and receive our reward. Let’s not give place to the devil. Let’s not let him take back ground that we fought for already. Stop slipping the key under the mat!